I’ve been writing and complaining about corporate behavior when it comes to a comparison of their public relations statements and where they put their money. This is particularly apparent in two critical legislative areas. The first is voting rights and the survival of our democratic principles primarily by putting the BIG LIE to sleep in the U.S. Congress. The second is the regressive, misogynist approach to abortion in Texas in which not even rape or incest are allowable reasons for an abortion. Can you imagine any punishment more inhumane and grotesque than some young woman, and usually they are young, having to bear a child for nine months that was conceived in such a violent, horrendous manner? As well, it makes citizen vigilantes responsible for enforcing the law and pays them for doing this! It is quite bizarre.
Now, thanks to the hard work of several organizations and individuals it is easier to keep corporations that donate to the representatives that support anti- democratic issues or the Texas abortion law, who, at the same time, in public statements claiming beliefs that are quite the opposite, e.g., the importance of the institutions of our democratic Republic and equity for women and concern for women’s health.
Here is one example. I’ll be following up with more examples, addresses, and emails. Please take advantage of the hard work, which so many others have done to provide this information, and act on it. Thanks!
“After the violent pro-Trump riot on Capitol Hill last week, some businesses began cutting ties with President Donald Trump, while some corporations decided to suspend political donations to one or both political parties. Walgreens and Pfizer are two of the most recent companies to suspend PAC contributions to the 147 Republican lawmakers who opposed the certification of Democrat Joe Biden as the next president.” [Business Insider, 1/16/21]
That suspension didn’t last for long!
Contribution Dates for Pfizer Inc. All of the following are Republicans who refused to certify the legitimate, much investigated election of Joseph Biden for President. I organized them by state so you can check for potential local Representatives. [Source: US Corporate Donations Tracker]
The total is $49,500

Now for the action: here’s the email and mailing address of Pfizer’s CEO: Mr. Albert Bourla, Chairman & CEO, Pfizer, 235 East 42nd Street, NY, NY 10017.
EMAIL: albert.bourla@pfizer.com
Here’s the email I sent him. Obviously my first paragraph up to the last sentence was an attempt to get someone’s attention, rather than just a “how can you continue to be such a hypocrite.” You are welcome to use any of it that you want. At the end of this post are more links for background information, etc.
Dear Mr. Bourla:
First, I would like to point out that I have a personal connection with Pfizer in two different ways. Not only have I received the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccination and booster, but your company was a client of mine when I was CEO and president of TIA/Technical Information Associates, a technical writing company that I started in 1980 and sold in 2000 when I retired, and which continues in business now in its 42nd year. So I was particularly disappointed to learn from the New York Times (1/6/22) that Pfizer after pledging not to donate to members of Congress who refused to certify the 2020 election results has in fact continued to do just that by contributing to either those individual members or associated PACs.
Is Pfizer, in fact, continuing to donate to these people directly or indirectly? If so, how often and to what extent?
I am a strong believer in the democratic foundation on which our Republic stands. As well, I am generally a centrist, and, obviously, as a successful entrepreneur, a strong advocate of ethical capitalism, which, to me, is not an oxymoron. With that view of capitalism, I expect corporations to honor the fundamental values of democracy and use their influence to not support candidates and organizations who threaten it. Pfizer promised to do that in 2021; but Pfizer has not done that.
I am retired and, other than my vote, have limited direct political or financial clout, but my network includes many independent Americans who care passionately about our democracy’s future and will protest attempts to hobble it. We support corporations that are furthering core American values by refusing donations to candidates and PACS that subvert our voting process.
I ask you to seriously consider how you use your political funding and cease any support of anti- democratic enablers, which ultimately will not be good for any business or any citizen. In the meantime, know that I am (and will continue) doing all that I can to raise awareness of Pfizer’s failure.
Thank you for your attention and consideration of this critical matter to our country and our future.
(Ms.) Doann Houghton-Alico
Thank you, Doann, for digging into this and revealing what is really going on. So often, we go by what we hear by just skimming the surface. This is important information.