Smile, the Nightmare Is Dissipating
We’ve given a body blow to 45, the xenophobic, racist, imbecilic, incoherent idiot that is president of my country! For the first time in over …
For Intelligent, Inquisitive People
History, civics, social justice, economics, and philosophy. Comments and an ongoing dialogue with readers are welcome.
We’ve given a body blow to 45, the xenophobic, racist, imbecilic, incoherent idiot that is president of my country! For the first time in over …
Why is the president calling those who peacefully and respectfully silently signify their belief in equality and protest against racial injustice “SOBs”? Here’s a link …
For whatever reason, the Republican party in the United States is intent on keeping the U.S. last in health care among the developed world. Reported …
Consider this: Peace Prize Winner refuses to suppress ethnic cleansing in her country The Noble Peace Prize Winner in 1991 for her “non-violent struggle for …
There are so many issues for centrist and liberal citizens of the United States to be concerned about that it is difficult to know where …
According to the experts—and there are experts in effective resistance—don’t be content with symbolic protests in the street. Rather you need documentable research, planning, and …
Old news; all politicians stretch the truth, even lie occasionally, unfortunately, Hillary was a good example. But 45’s lies are in a class beyond that. …
2 immediate ways to fight the egocentric loony who is President of the United States: Don’t use his name, don’t use his photo. I’m using …
Is there a solid connection or not? We don’t know, but the American people need to know the truth. There are many threads, but do …