More Translations!

I wrote about the origins of this particular blog on September 28, but if you missed that, here’s a very brief description. My book, Voice of a Voyage: Rediscovering the World During a Ten-year Circumnavigation is going to the Frankfurter Buchmesse (the Frankfurt Book Fair, the largest in the world). Because my book is about the world and my strong belief of the need to acknowledge, revere, and respect diverse cultures and traditions, as a writer I thought what better way than to show different languages in the presentation.

With help from friends and family I obtained a brief description of Voice of a Voyage in Arabic, French, German, Spanish, Turkish, and Urdu.

But after I posted that blog, I received three more: Hindi, Italian, and Japanese. I’m not able to reproduce the Hindi as there appears to be no appropriate alphabet in MS Word for transcribing it, and I only have it in pdf format. So if anyone can tell me how to do that, please let me know! Here’s the Italian and Japanese.

 Voce di un Viaggio è un notevole e coinvolgente memoir di un viaggio in giro per il mondo, che comprende avventure pericolose e pensieri ricchi di riflessioni. L’autore evoca lo spirito di persone e luoghi attraverso la loro storia e cultura esplorando allo stesso tempo ciò che sta sotto la superficie. I suoi ritratti sono coinvolgenti e attirano subito il lettore in una cronaca intima di tragedia e di bellezza. La poesia e le fotografie di Doann aggiungono un’ulteriore dimensione alla sua scrittura suggestiva. 

 Voice of a Voyage

は類まれな本である。命がけの冒険記から深く静かな思考の記録まで、世界中から集められた旅の記憶は読者を魅了してやまない。 訪れた地で文化や自然の歴史を再体験し、奥深く探求することで、著者であるドアンは人々や土地の魂を呼び覚ましていく。著者の紡ぎ出す言葉に触れると、読者は心奪われ、瞬く間に哀しくも美しい濃密な記憶の世界へと引き込まれていく。ドアンの詩と写真が、彼女の綴る心揺さぶられる言葉にさらなる深みを与えている。

 [Transliterated Japanese]

“Voice of a Voyage” wa taguimarena hon dearu. Inochigake no bōken-ki kara fukaku shizukana shikō no kiroku made, sekaijū kara atsumerareta tabi no kioku wa dokusha wo miryō-shite yamanai.   Otozureta chi de bunka ya shizen no rekishi wo saitaiken-shi, okufukaku tainkyū surukotode, chosha-dearu Doann wa hitobito ya tochi no tamashii wo yobisamashiteiku. Chosha no tsumugidasu kotoba ni fureruto, dokusha wa kokoro-ubaware, matatakuma ni kanashiku mo utsukushii nōmitsu na kioku no sekai-eto hikikomareteiku. Doann no shi to shashin ga, kanojo no tsuzuru kokoro yusaburareru kotoba ni saranaru fukami wo ataeteiru.


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