Voices of the World

I have just had a beautiful, heartwarming experience. I want to share it for many reasons: to acknowledge all those who responded to my request for help; to demonstrate the cooperativeness of the world community; to celebrate the diversity of the world.

My book, Voice of a Voyage: Rediscovering the World During a Ten-year Circumnavigation is going to be one of thousands displayed at the Frankfurter Buchmesse (the Frankfurt Book Fair, the largest in the world). Because my book is about the world and my strong belief of the need to acknowledge, revere, and respect diverse cultures and traditions, as a writer I thought what better way than to show different languages in the presentation. As I am not a linguist and have barely passable written French and Spanish, I, personally, was quite limited, so I have reached out to friends and family. The response was amazing!

Here is a sample of “Voices of the World” in Arabic, French, German, Spanish, Turkish, and Urdu with the English translation at the end:

الكاتبة تستحضراعماق الناس واماكنهم، بإعادة النظر في تاريخهم الثقافي والطبيعي. قرائتها الواضحة تجذب القراء إلى احداث مختلفة من مأساة وجمال. ومن خلال اشعارها وصورها الفتوغرافية المؤلفة دوان تسلط اضواءا إضافية على كتاباتها المنفردة.

Thank you, Chouki! Arabic is a particularly beautiful written language.

La voix d’un voyage: La redécouverte du Monde, pendant une navigation de dix ans autour du globe, est un récit remarquable et engageant, pleins d’anecdotes internationales, allant de descriptions de dangers mortels à des réflexions profondes. L’auteur évoque la spiritualité des gens et endroits, en examinant leurs coutumes et histoires naturelles, en explorant sous la surface. Ses descriptions sont fascinantes, attirant rapidement les lecteurs dans une suite intime de beauté et tragédies. La poésie de Doann et les photos ajoutent encore une autre dimension à son récit évocateur.

Merci beaucoup pour le Français, Bob!

Voice of a Voyage ist eine bewunderungswerte Reiseerzählung von einer Weltumkreisung die hohes Abenteuer—manchmal lebensgefährlich—sowohl auch weitreichende und besinnliche Überlegungen enthält. Mit einem frischen und positiven Entdeckergeist erforscht die Autorin das innere Wesen weitverstreuter Völker und Orten und schaut tiefgehend in derer kulturelle und aus der Natur entstehende Geschichten hinein. Sie gräbt eifrig unter jegliche Oberfläche. Die fesselnde Schilderungen bringen den Leser zu einem intimen Kontakt mit Tragödie und Schönheit. Doann’s Gedichte und Fotografien erweitern die Dimensionen ihres atmosphärischen Schreibens.

Tausend dank for the Deutsch, Alex!

Desde aventuras amenazantes a la vida hasta pensativos considerados, La voz del viaje es una biografía extraordinaria y agraciada de experiencias alrededor del mundo. El autor evoca el espíritu de la gente y de los lugares por sus observaciones de nuevo a la historia cultural y natural y por su exploración bajo del superficie. Sus representaciones son poderosos, inmediatamente invitando el lector a una crónica de tragedia y belleza. La poesía y las fotografías de Doann da más dimensiones a su escritura evocativa.

¡Muchas gracias por l’español, Julie!

 Bir Yolculuğun Sesi, dünyanın dört tarafından derlenmiş bir seyahatname. Tehlikeli maceraları ve ilham veren hikayeleriyle elinizden düşüremeyeceğiniz bir kitap. Yazar, insanların ve yerlerin doğal ve kültürel tarihlerinden yola çıkıp, onların gizemli ruhunu keşfediyor. Akıcı ve samimi bir üslupla okuyucuyu kendine çekip, onlarla en derin trajedileri ve en çekici güzellikleri paylaşıyor. Doann’ın şiirleri ve fotoğrafları ise kitabın etkileyiciliği ve düşündürüclüğüne yeni boyutlar ekliyor.

sağ olun, Azur and Hasan!

 urdu-compressed for blogUrdu,  another beautiful language in its written form, which, because of the style, needed to be a photograph taken by Bushra’s father committed to preserving this part of his wonderful heritage.

 Bahut bahut śhukriya بەت بەت شکریہ, Bushra and your Dad (whose name I don’t even know) for the Urdu.

 And here is the English that everyone worked from:

 Voice of a Voyage is a remarkable, engaging travel memoir from around the world, ranging from life-threatening adventure to thoughtful musings. The author evokes the spirit of people and places by revisiting their cultural and natural history and exploring beneath the surface. Her portrayals are riveting, drawing the reader quickly into an intimate chronicle of tragedy and beauty. Doann’s poetry and photographs add additional dimensions to her evocative writing.



  1. Bob was so happy to be able to help with the French translation! The excerpts that we have read are so wonderfully descriptive and we look forward to buying a copy of the book when it becomes available. Though, you have to promise to sign our copy! 🙂

    The Arabic is very beautiful but we were wondering how it got to be so short? Thanks, and congratulations again!

    • My book is available now from Amazon, or when you get back to Georgia your local bookstore can order a copy for you, but you might enjoy reading it while sailing in some of the places I write about.

      The Arabic worked partly due to “compressing” the topic. Also, it depends on the word whether or not it’s long.

      Thanks again to Bob for his prompt help! I didn’t have much notice about it.

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