WELCOME to More Chaos, inquisitive, possibly still slightly depressed Readers,
Ironically, my initial Welcome Letter blamed my inconsistent posts on the Trump years. Let’s see if I can overcome that this time around. This election has been discussed, analyzed, torn apart and put back together, dissected, examined, studied, and every other synonym for trying to understand an event that, apparently, postdates logic. If nothing else, it hasn’t been lied about, exaggerated, perhaps, but no blatant Big Lies. Oh, that’s right, the liar won.
The most shocking aspect to me and those I’ve discussed it with is facing up to the fact that the majority of voters in this country are some combination of racist, sexist, ‘genderist,’ uninformed, and quite lacking in an understanding of our government and how it works. If they were free of these biases and had an understanding of basic civics, they would never even dream of voting for Trump, because he is the epitome of all those unfortunate, if not downright reprehensible, malignant, and immoral characteristics. That’s not what I always thought this country was about.
In spite of how I might sound now, I am neither going to focus on the negative, nor just the current issues. There are words and worlds to explore, among so much else! For example, check out my take on the historiography of this moment in PERSPECTIVE, We Just Made History, plus more to come on Macedonia, Albania, and….Botswana!

August 2024
For more information about me, click on my signature.

Photo by the author
Why did I select Alexander the Great, warrior, colonializer, prince, then king at age 20 upon the death of his father, King Philip II of Macedonia, in 337 BCE, when many in the United States (not me) just elected a ‘wanna-be’ king?
See the post, PERSPECTIVE – Why Alexander Was Great, for suggested answers. Also, learn why his horse was named Oxhead, which is the translation of Voukefalas.
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Brief descriptions of news to celebrate, updates, and serendipity.