Digging for the Truth about . . .

The corporate tax rate. Wait! Don’t click away. If liberal, you think it’s too low; if conservative, too high. The truth is somewhere in the middle. Get an executive summary in the first paragraph. This is important and interesting . . . really! Yes, the statutory U.S. corporate tax rate is 35%, the highest in … Read more

Who Are The SOBs?

Why is the president calling those who peacefully and respectfully silently signify their belief in equality and protest against racial injustice “SOBs”? Here’s a link to understanding Colin Kaepernick’s action: www.nytimes.com/2017/09/07/sports/colin-kaepernick-nfl-protests.html?mwrsm Eric Reid joined him after the backlash against Kaepernick started. Reid, a religious person, got his inspiration to act from James 2:17 “In the … Read more

Vive la France! Plus the Birds and the Bees . . .

Who knew the French are wiser and smarter than we are? We secretly harbored thoughts that the Brits might be, but Brexit taught us that wasn’t the case, but who expected the French? En viola un idée! A defeat, finally, for ugly isolationism, hate-mongering, and a maniacal clinging to Nazism. Bravo, well-done, awesome French voters! … Read more

Effective Resistance

According to the experts—and there are experts in effective resistance—don’t be content with symbolic protests in the street. Rather you need documentable research, planning, and lots of networking and sharing of tasks and information. I’ve mentioned this before because each one of  us can’t act in all the ways on all the issues that concern … Read more

Haunting Tiger: A plea for sensible gun control

This tiger shadows us, its low-pitched growl more like soft murmuring waves on shore over and over. peopledopeopledopeopledo Eighteen, just got his first job as a mechanic, too busy with his car to be a gang bro. Believed only in engines, souped up three before he was sixteen. On the rubbish-strewn street, under the hood … Read more